ios - XCode 4.5 / iOS6 : orientation issue with my iPad app ... 2012年10月3日 - I just opened my iPad project on XCode 4.5. My app is designed to run ... Thanks everybody for your replies. I finally found a solution. First, check ...
Force Landscape Orientation on iOS 6 in Objective-C 2012年12月14日 - Force Landscape Orientation on iOS 6 in Objective-C ... I'm running iOS 6 on this. I have seen .... iPad Navigation Controller landscape issue.
iOS 6 landscape and portrait orientation - Stack Overflow 2012年9月24日 - I have a table with a big list of stuff that comes from a plist file and ... I think that I have a work around. It's ugly but it's working... With iOS6 Apple ...
In IOS 6 on iPad, initial rotation is always portrait, after that it ... 2012年11月6日 - X and supports all orientations, built against iOS 6 it always starts in portrait even when the ipad/simulator is in landscape). I did add the new ...
Views not rotating to landscape-mode after iOS6 update 2012年9月20日 - Any ideas what's changed in iOS 6 and how I can get my views to rotate ... ios ipad ios-simulator orientation landscape-portrait or ask your own ...
ipad - Unable to handle orientation in iOS 6? - Stack Overflow 2012年9月20日 - How to handle the same situation in iOS 6 as ..... mode + Force landscape orientation · 2 · Landscape to portrait orientation not working in ipad?
IOS 6 force device orientation to landscape - Stack Overflow 2012年9月28日 - I gave an app with say 10 view controllers. I use navigation controller ... Ok, folks, I will post my solution. What I have: A view based application, ...
Interface orientation in iOS6 and iOS 5 on iPad is not working 2013年1月3日 - It all works on iOS 6 but on iOS 5 it works on startup if the iPad is in Portrait before app start. But if the iPad is in Landscape the app starts in the ...
xcode - Portrait and Landscape mode in iOS6 - Stack Overflow 2012年10月4日 - When updating my app to iOS6 standard the portrait / landscape is gone .... XCode 4.5 / iOS6 : orientation issue with my iPad app in Landscape ...
Monkey X - iOS 6 forcing apps to run in portrait mode? If you want your game running in landscape mode on ios6, but it shows on portrait is mainly because the method ... I'm going to try now on an ios5 ipad.